Thursday, July 14, 2016

Thrifty Thursday: Hankies and more yarn

I adore vintage handkerchiefs. They're beautiful, elegant, and useful (I use hankies myself.) I found a bag of 28 for $1.99 at the local Goodwill.

I did a search and found so many good ideas for repurposing these, so stay tuned!

I also found two skeins of this "baby blanket" yarn. At first I hesitated at the $2.99 price, but I later learned that these sell for $10 each! I'll have to find something special to use this for.

Ringo approves of my finds.


The Whiskeratti said...

Those are very pretty. And yes, we felines are always very involved in delivery inspections. Here, it's mostly me, Toby, who takes on that task. Extremely impawtant work.

Unknown said...

I wish I had known you when I still lived in Wisconsin. you and I would be great friends. We have such similar interests!
I am jealous of that hankie find! Happy for you.

Summer at said...

I'm glad Ringo gave your finds his paw of approval.

Marg said...

Those sure do look like good finds. Should be fun to think of a project with the yarn. I used to love to knit.

pilch92 said...

Great finds, as always.

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

That is because Ringo is smart

Lucy and some friends