Friday, September 9, 2016

Cat things I can't let go of

After Tucker died, I put away the most special things that were his. Some things, like his bowls, are being re-used for the other cats. 

Others I still can't bear to look at. One item I probably won't ever be able to have again is a yarn ball. They were his very favorite toy, going everywhere with him around the house. (He was cremated with a yarn ball, and the one in the photo is with his remains.)

A couple of months ago, I had another surprise of emotions when I found a smaller used carrier at a thrift store. Tucker's carrier was quite large (he was a big cat) and I'd wanted something smaller.

I was carrying the carrier around the store as I browsed, and I started to panic. The thought of donating or not using his old carrier made me upset. . .to the point of me putting the smaller carrier back on the store shelf.

Funny how those emotions can sneak up on you! I am not ready to remove his carrier yet, as I think of moments like these:

I can't imagine I'm alone in this, right? What things do you keep from pets that have left this earth? 


Fuzzy Tales said...

I can't think of any toys I'm hanging on to from Chumley and Annie. I do remember that I had to get rid of the kitty cave Annie used for the last few weeks of her life, I couldn't bear to see it, to have it around. Oh, and the X-scratcher too. She used it a lot and it made me too sad to see it there. It was so long ago, though. :-(

Thinking of you and sending hugs, the boys send purrs.

Eastside Cats said...

I've only lost feral cats, thank goodness, but even they leave a hole in my heart! Each one had a specific place outside that I would look out to spot them...and it took a long time to stop doing that. The drop trap that I used for Sammy's final vet visit is getting a tad beat up, and The Hubby has suggested multiple times that we donate it to a TNR group, and build ourselves a new one. NO WAY! That trap means a lot to me, and I'll use it until it cannot be used anymore. I am so sorry about your Tucker, and I understand how 'his things' still have an emotional tug.

Mr Puddy said...

My mom used to lose some woofies but she was so little. And got no fur kids for a long long time till she met me.

But the sense of lose. She does have. She does understand. It's pain but she does prefer to keep some personal items for crying. Some time she need that emotion. Just because love is still there.

Hug to you

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

Em's insulin remained in the fridge until we bought a new fridge. I was going to put it in the new fridge, but I couldn't seem to do that either and finally settled on putting it in her box for her cremains.

Random Felines said...

I think stuff like this creeps up at us at the strangest times. I put Tim and Coral's collars with their box of cremains. But I took Coral's tag off and put it on my wallet.

~the mom

Colehaus Cats said...

We know how feelings like that can suddenly strike, and the heavy heart feel they can bring. We have so many angels after thirty-plus years, we learned our heavy hearts felt lighter each time we saw one, or two, or more current kitties playing with a toy or napping in a carrier that one of the angels used. The oldest toy here is a gray suede mouse that was purchased for angel Stimpy back in 1994. Now, Olivia and our foster cat Miss Itty LOVE that thing and carry it everywhere between the two. Talk about lightening the heart! We hope you find the same peace.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


pilch92 said...

You are definitely not alone. I have KaChoo's robe( it was originally mine) on the closet floor with her ashes box on it. I have something from all my angels. XO

Summer at said...

My human didn't keep Sparkle's carrier - she donated that to the clinic when she left the vet. She also threw away all of Sparkle's meds, pretty much the moment she got home (although that was really a mistake, as she could have used them later on for the other cats at one point or another). Her toys and costumes have pretty much gotten reused. The cat before Sparkle didn't really have much - she was semi-feral and didn't have much in the way of toys (she hunted, she didn't play), and my human had a cardboard carrier for her, which she also left when she had to have her PTS.

We can understand why you want to keep certain things, though.

Summer at said...

Oh, and the two beds my human got Sparkle - Boodie started using one almost the same day Sparkle didn't come home, and Binga had pretty much commandeered the other one long before, so they're both still here.

A Tonl said...

Grief takes unexpected twists and turns - an sneaks up on you at the oddest times, no matter how long it's been. We understand!

Roberta said...

I sure miss this sweet boy.

Unknown said...

You are not alone at all! I have kept toys, collars and blankets. I've tried to keep the blankets in circulation as seeing them is comforting to me, and makes the other kitties happy too. Toys have been recycled in some cases, but a few have been put away for safe keeping.

Unexpected things can trigger moments of grief. Sounds like that happened with the carrier for you. To me there is no set timeframe to keep or purge items. You do what your heart tells you to do.

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