Thursday, December 8, 2016

Lucy and trapping updates

I'm sorry I don't have any photos today. My iPad needs to recharge.

First, no luck in trapping any kittens (or any creature, for that matter). The weather continues to be bitterly cold and windy. The towels I used to cover the traps kept blowing off, the food was freezing, and the traps keep freezing to the ground.

I may resign myself to being done for the week, and try again when the weather isn't so bad.

Now on to Lucy. . .

She had her first visitor last night, our friend Susan! 

She is doing very well, and starting to get curious about her surroundings. She started using the scratching post, and is interested in playing. She is even a catnip fiend!

It is amazing what a couple of days of warmth and meals can do! Her fur is looking better and she's filling out a little.

I've let her and Ringo see each other twice at the door. Ringo is such a good boy and wants to meet her. Lucy hissed a couple of times but was not aggressive.

Benny is going about his usual routines. While Sadie is hissing at the door and slightly edgy, she did sit on my lap last night.


Eastside Cats said...

Yikes! Traps freezing to the ground...yucky. Those kittens are hunkered down somewhere; best to give it a rest until better weather as you've mentioned. Lucy sounds like a little love...cannot wait to meet her!

The Rosie Bee said...

It was so great to meet Miss Lucy! She is a true sweetheart. :-)

Summer at said...

I feel bad for those poor kitties out there in the cold, but if you can't catch them, what can you do? It sounds like Lucy is settling in and it's pretty much introductions as usual. Hey, even Binga and Boodie hissed at me when I first started meeting them!

Anonymous said...

I think Lucy will be absorbed into the family eventually, though my experience is that women generally don't get along very well in close quarters.


The Island Cats said...

We purr that the introduction of Lucy goes smoothly.

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

Maybe you'll get another warm spell and they'll venture out again..

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Sadie will make you pay, one way or another. Just give the girls a lot of time and It will work out

pilch92 said...

I hope you can catch those kittens soon, poor things.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We are sorry it is so cold there, poor kittens. But they have probably found somewhere warm and a food source that is closer for now. At least we hope so.

Glad Lucy is adjusting so well and so very thankful she is inside now.

Lucy and some friends