Sunday, December 4, 2016

Trapping update: Day one

Please note: posting will be erratic this week while we are trapping the neighborhood feral cats. I hope to return to regular posting next week.

It's been a terrible weather day for trapping--lots of snow is falling. I've had to go out three times this afternoon and brush off the traps and replace the wet/buried food.

But, good news! We have already trapped the mama kitty!

She isn't truly feral, which I sort of guessed. We were able to make a "chute" and put her into Tucker's old carrier for the night. She's safe in our porch for now.

I saw kitty prints in the snow, so I hope we'll be able to add to tomorrow's drop off.


Anonymous said...


Saku said...

Good news! Hopefully the little ones will be caught soon too.

The Island Cats said...

That's great! We're purring that you get them all.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

THat is good news. Hopefully she cab be gentled

Summer at said...

So glad you go the mom! That's a good start.

Eastside Cats said...

YAY! Mama cats are often the hardest to trap; their survival skills are incredibly high!

Lucy and some friends