Wednesday, January 25, 2017

The boys all hang out together

Nothing beats men and mancats lounging together, with a remote nearby.

Household update:

It warms my heart to see Ringo and Lucy play together. Lucy still screams, but Ringo is getting used  to her noises. They run up and down the stairs together, and wait for me to play with them in "Lucy's" room. It is wonderful!

Benny is doing great also. He was in my lap recently, and Lucy jumped up too. He did not make a sound, and sat tight. She bopped his head twice before leaving.

We're continuing to work on small exposures with Sadie. We'll let Lucy into the bedroom, and Sadie goes into a growly fit. Sadie will stay out a few minutes before hiding now, which is a start. Lucy seems confused as to why Sadie is so hissy, but she keeps trying.

As Jim said recently, "three down, one to go!" I am pleased overall. It's been 7 weeks, and about 5 since Lucy has been out.


Random Felines said...

that is great progress.....and mom says that sometimes even if they don't become friends, it is ok so long as no one ends up bleeding :)

Eastside Cats said...

This is great progress! Other people have told me that they've used essential oil plug-ins or Feliway to help the transition.

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

additional purrs for Sadie. I'm sure she'll come around

Anonymous said...

The boys are getting ready for some football!


Summer at said...

Lots of good progress going on! Lucy sounds like she really wants to be pals with everyone.

Colehaus Cats said...

Yippee for wonderful progress! We've found that some ginger girls are natural screamers while others are just growlers. Patrol Sergeant Zuzu is most definitely a screamer while Sunny is a growler. Pia, on the other hand, is a hisser. Nobody hisses like that ginger girl!

Boys, you look so handsome being cozy together.

Three Chatty Cats said...

What cuties you have!

The Island Cats said...

We're glad to hear there's progress. Sadie and Lucy may never like one another, but to get them to tolerate each other would be great.

Saku said...

Wonderful progress! And the boys look adorable together.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

You are making good progress. THey will get there!

The Whiskeratti said...

Hey, guy time is very impawtant.

pilch92 said...

I am glad things are working out.

A Tonl said...

sometimes it takes itty bitty baby steps - but progress is so encouraging, isn't it? :-)

Please welcome Jules

After the holidays, Jim and I decided we were ready to adopt a new youngster into our household. We went to the shelter where we adopted Rin...