Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Lucy, then and now

Our friend Connie left a comment, suggesting we post then and now photos of Lucy.

On the left is her the night after her spay, on my lap. The right is another of her on my lap that I took recently. Her notched ear is healed, and she's filled out nicely. Her fur is getting thicker and softer, and her raw paw pads are healed and soft.

This photo was the night after we had her vetted and brought her inside. It said to me "I am home."

I love this wide-eyed photo of her on the bed now. 

Lucy has blossomed into a wonderful cat. She loves Ringo and they are always together, and she's become quite the lap cat with me. She's curious and always getting into something (she loves hair ties stolen from the bathroom), and it makes us laugh. I never imagined adding a fourth cat, but she's fit in wonderfully and is a joy.


Marg said...

WE are just so glad that Lucy has such a great home. She is looking mighty good. Have a great day.

Random Felines said...

YAY!! She looks so much better

The Rosie Bee said...

Wow, amazing transformation!

Eastside Cats said...

It's lovely to hear these good things about Lucy!

Three Chatty Cats said...

Aww, what a beauty!

Anonymous said...

It was good you took her in--she needed a home, and she looks great!

Summer at said...

Lucy was meant to be part of your family!

M Dawson said...

Lucy is a lovely looking lady cat and how well she gas healed up - brilliant!!

Welcome home lucy!!

pilch92 said...

She is a beauty. I am glad her and Ringo are such buddies.

Saku said...

Lucy, you've definitely found the place for you!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

SHe has come a long way!

Lucy and some friends