Wednesday, July 26, 2017

You ate WHAT?! #70

#70 is pizza!

It is a delight to me when our elderly Benny gets a little feisty. 

He took a few licks before I gave him a tidbit of the cheese (the pizza had onions, so I didn't want him eating those.)

Go Benny!


Amy J said...

It's all about the cheese! Aerin is also a proper Wisconsin cheese fan.

Anonymous said...

Zeke likes the pepperonis, but I avoid letting him get them--at least as well as I can. 70 you ate whats? I am waiting for you to make the list of them all! :) PS I had to go thru 7 picture matches to prove I am not a robot to post this! Are they really necessary?

Random Felines said...

gotta try everything....

Eastside Cats said...

You know, curiosity and all that!

Summer at said...

Now I want some pizza! Hold the onions!

Cathy Keisha said...

One of TW's co-workers had a cat who loved pizza. I only love it when the peeps get it with chicken.

Marg said...

Good idea to give that Pizza a try. You just never know when something is going to be yummy.

pilch92 said...

Pizza-yum! Lucky kitty :)

The Island Cats said...

Wahhhhhhh! We never get pizza!!

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

Benny reserves the right of first refusal

Lucy and some friends