Life with Jim, Rene, and three cats (Ringo, Lucy, and Jules)
You guys sure do have the purrfect lap for snoozing and chillaxing!
You all sure look comfy. Great lap, looks like. Have a good day.
Yes, sometimes it is too hot for laps in the summertime
My lap is jealous! At first, I read Ringo's as "It's too hot for [N]aps" and I was thinking, "said no cat EVER!" :)
I wish I had that many lap cats. :)
There are zero lap cats here! Although Binga and I enjoy sitting behind my human when she is in her office chair.
No lap cats 'round here! We will get all grabby hands and put one on a lap, but sometimes said cat jumps quickly away...leaving claw marks!
They are so cute!! <3 I love me some lap kitties
that's a lot of laptime
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You guys sure do have the purrfect lap for snoozing and chillaxing!
You all sure look comfy. Great lap, looks like. Have a good day.
Yes, sometimes it is too hot for laps in the summertime
My lap is jealous! At first, I read Ringo's as "It's too hot for [N]aps" and I was thinking, "said no cat EVER!" :)
I wish I had that many lap cats. :)
There are zero lap cats here! Although Binga and I enjoy sitting behind my human when she is in her office chair.
No lap cats 'round here! We will get all grabby hands and put one on a lap, but sometimes said cat jumps quickly away...leaving claw marks!
They are so cute!! <3 I love me some lap kitties
that's a lot of laptime
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