Thursday, August 3, 2017

Brothers can be so annoying

Ringo: Hey, Lucy!

Do you want to play? Poke, poke, I know you do!
Not really. I'm comfy here.
What's a mancat supposed to do? Mom, we need another tunnel!


Mr Puddy said...

Ringo, You got a point !
and Miss Lucy, You are too smart =^x^=

pilch92 said...

I guess you do need another tunnel.

Random Felines said...

good luck Ringo - she looks pretty comfy in there

Summer at said...

I agree - another tunnel is in order!

Sweet Purrfections said...

Reminds me of Brulee when Truffle wants to play. Brulee usually resorts to a few whaps!

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The Island Cats said...

Having two tunnels would be fun!

A Tonl said...

Sounds about right to us, too, Ringo!

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

are you sure you don't need a new sister?

Olka said...

haha! His face says everything! :P

Lucy and some friends