Well, to be honest, Sadie, you are very beautiful ... I can understand your Mom being preoccupied taking a ton of pictures of you ... I would too ;) You definitely should charge for the session though!
how could you? haha! :D My cats also don't like, when I disturb them or if I want to "force" them to pose :D Usually I take pictures when they want it, because when I try to encourage them - it won't work :D
Maybe somekitty needs to be tucked in. And read a bedtime story. And given a pre-nap snack. And a kiss on the forehead. And... and... and...
Well, to be honest, Sadie, you are very beautiful ... I can understand your Mom being preoccupied taking a ton of pictures of you ... I would too ;) You definitely should charge for the session though!
But we want to see your beautiful face, Sadie!
A kitty as pretty as you is never safe from the pawparazzi.
The best thing is to just get it over with a soon as possible!
these Moms just NEVER give up! catchatwithcarenandcody
Give it up, Sadie. These humans and their flashy-boxes!!
There better be treats involved :D
Nice to see her sleeping out where you can see her
how could you? haha! :D My cats also don't like, when I disturb them or if I want to "force" them to pose :D Usually I take pictures when they want it, because when I try to encourage them - it won't work :D
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