Every box is for cats - didn't you know about it? Haha! She's so adorable! My cats also love boxes (should I be surprised? haha!) I always let them use every box I get after some shopping. They enjoy sitting inside, and after few days I can throw it out - they're not angry with me (they would be if I would throw out the box right after I got it) :D
Lucy is a lovey!
Everything you touch belongs to you, Lucy!
Steady on!
Every box is for cats - didn't you know about it? Haha!
She's so adorable!
My cats also love boxes (should I be surprised? haha!) I always let them use every box I get after some shopping. They enjoy sitting inside, and after few days I can throw it out - they're not angry with me (they would be if I would throw out the box right after I got it) :D
Lucy is a cutie.
This is mine. And this is mine.
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