Thursday, December 28, 2017

Thrifty Thursday: More cozy mysteries

It is amazing to me how many cozy mysteries have cats in them. I found two more, one of which has been on my Amazon wish list for a while.

The pet sitter mystery (left) series has many other books in it about all sorts of animals, but I am most interested in the cat one. The book on the right is a reprint of a 2008 title, but it's "new" to me.


Amy J said...

The Meow is for Murder cover looks adorable.

Anonymous said...

You are right that there are a lot of cat mystery books out there. I enjoy reading them.

pilch92 said...

You find the best stuff. All I ever find at thrift stores are crystal bowls and tea cups.:)

Summer at said...

Those look like cool cozies!

Morrie Major said...

Ooooh I think my mum would love these! She really loves curling up with a good book (and I really love snugging with her when she does that - unless I'm hungry.. in which case I use the time to really annoy her ;) )
Lots of licks, your new friend Morrie!

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

I hope they are both enjoyable

I'm innocent, I swear!

 Lucy was in a playful mood last week, zooming around and messing up the hallway rug. However, when I'd come to take a photo, she'd ...