Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Chewy.com review: Fancy Feast Natural White Meat Chicken Fillets #chewyinfluencer

This month's first Chewy review is called Purely Fancy Feast Filets. We got the chicken variety.

These filets contain three ingredients: chicken, chicken broth, and salt.

The filet comes in a pouch that opens pretty easily. It looks like a chicken piece you could eat (and you probably could).

These filets are meant to be a food "topper" or supplement and not a complete diet. 

Lucy loved these, but what surprised me was that Benny did too! In fact, he butt into Lucy's bowl to help himself.

Benny: I want some!
Ringo and Sadie did not like these. It surprised me that Sadie didn't like them, as she's a chicken fan.

Overall, this is an interesting product. I wish it didn't have salt in it, but I suppose it's needed as a preservative. However, if you need to entice your cats to eat, it's a helpful tool to have.

Disclaimer: We were given some packages in exchange for an honest review. The opinions expressed here are our own.


The Rosie Bee said...

It cracks me up that sweet Benny has to horn in on Lucy's bowl. :)

Summer at sparklecat.com said...

My human prefers the little pouches of chicken for treats - they are portion controlled and easier to carry around to cat shows and therapy visits. Something as big as the filet - she just gets chicken for herself, and shares with us kitties!

Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat (Katherine Kern) said...

That does look good, doesn't it? Looks like Benny and Lucy were happy! I'm not sure Bear would know how to eat a chunk that big ... I'd probably have to tear it up for him.

Eastside Cats said...

Huh, my stomach growled as I read this! Guess it's time to fold up my tent and get HOME! LOL!

pilch92 said...

Glad Lucy and Benny liked it.

The Island Cats said...

We’ll be trying these too. We’re a little concerned about the salt as well, but the mom says she won’t be letting us make a meal out of them.

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

there is a big name Rx cat food that puts salt in their cat food to encourage cats to drink more water. From what I have read cats can handle quite a bit more salt than humans can (and the science on how much salts humans can handle is iffy, and some scientists say we aren't getting enough if we aren't eating a lot of processed food) I've even read that cats can drink salt water, but I'm not sure that is just an urban legend.

MommyB said...

It looks interesting, and since it's just chicken, it should be nearly carb-free (always a concern for me with my diabetic cat.) However, I'm afraid he would like them too much and start turning up his nose at his regular food! Thanks for the review!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Way to go, Benny! And Lucy is so nice to let you join her.

Lucy and some friends