Tuesday, April 24, 2018

I am a spoiled boy

This is Benny. Since my vet appointment, my people are sure spoiling me. I get any food that I want! (Not that I eat much of it). I get to sit in their laps. I get picked up and carried places. It's great!

Now if I could only find a way for them to not give me daily medications. . . .


The Rosie Bee said...

I love that you get picked up and carried places. What a pampered kitty! :)

Eastside Cats said...

Benny! Eat up sweet boy!

Anonymous said...

No one likes medication. It never tastes good. Our dignity gets ruffled if we get carried around. We are able to walk on our own feet, thank you!


Summer at sparklecat.com said...

I have a feeling that the no-medications part is not going to happen!

pilch92 said...

Sorry about the meds, but I am glad you are getting treated like royalty because you deserve it. XO

Amy J said...

Ooh, any food you want? We've got our human letting us try the Oh My Gravy sampler pack. ~Aerin & Cassie


Feline Opines said...

Benny, ‘Hope you’re feelin’ fine soon!
Purrs & Head Bonks,

The Island Cats said...

Benny, your humans obviously love you lots...that’s why they give you those medications...to help you feel better.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Benny, be a good boy and take the medicine with the spoiling!

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

If you didn't get the medication, you wouldn't be spoiled.. sorry but you have to put up with it

Lucy and some friends