Friday, December 28, 2018

Christmas celebrations

This is a little late. . .
It is rare that we are home for a holiday. Most of the time, we are out of town and/or traveling. This year, because of Jim's work schedule, we traveled to his family early and were home for Christmas. Oh boy, did the kitties have fun! Even Lucy, who isn't really into boxes, had to check things out. And Benny was the first cat who jumped into a box.

Lots of fun was had by all.


Amy J said...

Boxes and packing paper - best cat gifts ever!

pilch92 said...

Sweet photos. I am glad you all had a nice Christmas.

Summer at said...

My human says Christmas with kitties are the BEST Christmases!

Eastside Cats said...

Boxes are so popular around here, that we replace them regularly after they've been chewed and furred...LOL!

Olka said...

Boxes are always fun for cats :D

Lucy and some friends