Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Merry Christmas from all of us

In the spirit of the holiday, I decided to photograph and share some of my cat postcard/business card collection. All of these have been gifts from one particular friend. He picks them up during his antique mall travels during the year. Amazingly, there are no duplicates in my collection.

This will be a two-part post. Today will feature Christmas-themed cards and tomorrow will be other random cards. I'll notate postmarks or other things on the backs of the cards.

TOP: Lion Coffee by Woolson Spice Company, Toledo OH

BOTTOM: Gilman's Christmas Souvenir, Boston 

TOP: Toledo Business College and Short Hand School 

BOTTOM: Postcard with 1907 postmark

TOP: E.J. Erisman Gents' Furnishing Goods, Lancaster PA

BOTTOM: Postcard with 1911 postmark


Anonymous said...

May your Christmas sparkle with moments of love, laughter and goodwill, And may the year ahead be full of contentment and joy. Have a Merry Christmas.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Hope your Christmas has been purrfect in every way!

The Island Cats said...

Those cards are terrific! We hope your having a very Merry Christmas.

pilch92 said...

They are beautiful. Merry Christmas! XO

Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat (Katherine Kern) said...

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. We're glad to call you our friends.

Summer at sparklecat.com said...

I love these vintage cards!

Eastside Cats said...

What fun! Hope you all had a Meowy Catmas!

Lucy and some friends