Friday, January 18, 2019

Cool, a new toy!

Ringo's long-favorite toy is called the Cat Chaser (made by Go Cat toys). It's a wand toy with a mouse at the end. I recently bought Go Cat's Da Bee, which has a bee at the end.

Both Ringo and Lucy love it!

Mom, I brought you this toy. I will share with you.

I think I need to keep an eye on it here.

Lucy: What is this?

It's great! Wheee!

Whew, that tired me out.


Eastside Cats said...


Amy J said...

Aww. (I just finally started using Da Bird with my duo again, and it's funny how Cassie will energetically whap at it, while maintaining her lounging pose on the rocking chair.)

Summer at said...

Oh, that looks like a fun toy!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

That does look like fun!

Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat (Katherine Kern) said...

It's a hard job, but somecat has to do it!

pilch92 said...

That does look like fun.

Unknown said...

Lucky cat! New toys are always fun :-)

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...


World of Animals, Inc said...

We have plenty of wand toys here at the office. They are always a hit when the kitties come in. Looks like Ringo and Lucy are having such a fun time. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful day.
World of Animals

Integrating into the household

 Ringo and Lucy have made amazing progress with Jules in just 5 days. This morning, I took this adorable photo of the three of them. Is ther...