Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Under the weather

Before dawn on Sunday morning, I was hit with what I think is a mild case of the flu (I get flu shots every year.) Nausea, fever, muscle aches, runny nose, and more yucky stuff I won't get into. I spent two days in bed. After the fever broke I could finally stand to have the cats on me.

As always, Nurse Lucy was on the job, even sitting by when I tried to eat a little chicken broth.

I'm feeling much better now, thanks to help from the kitties.


Eastside Cats said...

Eek! Sorry to hear that you had/have the sickies. Nice that the kitties tried to heal you with their presence!

Greg_1948 in_WA said...

I think they want to stay warm as they can today! Sorry about the flu!

Summer at said...

Feel better soon! I'm glad you are getting some healing purrs.

pilch92 said...

Glad you are feeling better. Such cute nurses.

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

I'm sure she wouldn't have minded a little of that soup

Lucy and some friends