Friday, May 10, 2019

Double lap kitties

I'll never tire of seeing multiple kitties on my lap.


Amy J said...

aww, virtual hugs to the purring darlings

Summer at said...

My human is envious - it's all she can do to get one of us to nap in back of her on the office chair while she's working.

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

Hopefully they do it again today.. :)

Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat (Katherine Kern) said...

Sounds purr-fect to me!

pilch92 said...

That is so sweet.

Anonymous said...

Much better than a 3 dog night!
You are the best!
You are AMAZING!
Happy Mother's Day!

Olka said...

Exactly! It's so sweet when they're lying together.
The biggest record on my laps were 3 cats at the same time :D

Lucy and some friends