You have a neat bookmark, Mom. It has kitties on it!
I'll bet it makes a nice toy, too.
Heh heh, I'm going to put a little bitey on it!
Jules has turned the corner and is doing great! His fecal sample was normal and while his stools are still a little softer than I'd lik...
Well done, Lucy! Every bookmark should have a tooth marks!
Very precious photo of Lucy and her bookmark--it's hers now!
Definitely yours – if you can bite it you can have it. Now what I want to know is, what book do you plan to put it in?
That is a nice bookmark, Lucy. You have made it yours now.
You're right, it's adorable!
My cats love to steal my bookmarks too :)
Fang marks make it truly Purr-fect!
That is a cool bookmark!
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