Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Pretzel cat in the cat tree

Don't forget to enter our giveaway!

Yes, mom, I'm comfortable like this. I've found my zen.


Amy J said...

Impressive yoga pose.

Eastside Cats said...

More proof, Lucy...that cats are fur-covered liquid!

Greg_1948 in_WA said...

Many cats seem to get into the most uncomfortable positions but stay there liking them!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Whatever works for you!

pilch92 said...

Such a cutie. :)

Summer said...

I think you look perfectly comfortable, Lucy!

So far, so good

 I'm happy to report that Jules has been doing better since our vet visit. He's eating again without vomiting and overall seems perk...