Monday, September 30, 2019

We had a scare with Benny (but he's ok)

Just after lunch on Thursday, Jim called me, frantic and upset. Benny had had vomiting and diarrhea for several hours and he wasn't sure what to do. Because he is so old, I called the vet and they wanted us to rush him in. So we did.

Thankfully, his blood work was decent (for his age) and a physical exam showed nothing out of the ordinary. We opted to give him some anti-nausea medication and a bit of fluids, and would wait it out.

Benny was Jim's cat before I moved in, and with Jim losing his dad so recently, I had thought about what might happen if Benny should die. This photo, taken on Thursday at the vet's, told me:

Thursday night he ate almost nothing, except for a few hard treats. When Jim left for the gym later that evening, I had a good cry. Sadie was right there on my lap.

Our friend Connie had suggested a specific strain of probiotic that helped her Muffin with diarrhea, so I went and bought some.

It helped. Friday morning Benny ate some canned cat food. And by Saturday morning, he was sitting by me as I ate breakfast.

I know Benny is elderly, but we love him and are grateful to have this extra time with him. I will never let him suffer. He's a sweet boy and we love him too much for that.

Thank you to everyone who supported us through this scare. We know how fortunate we are.


Amy J said...

Hugs and purrs to you all. Senior cats shouldn't scare their humans like that, Benny - OK?

Eastside Cats said...

Benny, we are sending you tons of warm fuzzies through the ether, and hugs and purrs for your pawrents too. We humans know that our kitties are only on loan to us, but we simply love you so. Feel better, handsome!

Greg_1948 in_WA said...

Glad to hear you got thru this emergency OK! 😺

Random Felines said...

we are glad he is feeling is so scary sometimes

pilch92 said...

I am glad Benny is feeling better. I will keep him in my prayers. XO

Andrea said...

Whew, with older cats you have to treasure every moment. Thankfully you now have some more of those moments to treasure.

The Island Cats said...

We’re glad Benny is doing better now. It’s tough when they get old. Purrs....

Summer said...

I'm so glad the probiotics helped Benny. It's so hard with older kitties sometimes, figuring out what they need to get back on track.

Amy J said...

On the senior cat subject - Yay! my Cassie ate what I served her this morning for breakfast. Some days lately, that cat mystifies me.

catladymac said...

We are so glad Benny is better ! Purrayers an POTP to Benny, you, and your husband. As you said, that picture says it all. Good for Sadie for comforting you too !

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

I'm glad it helped

Lucy and some friends