Thursday, October 3, 2019

A special gifty Thursday

A couple of weeks ago, I received a wrapped package on my porch. As soon as I opened and saw what it was, I knew who had delivered it.

Our long-time readers might remember the Lamb Cake Disaster of 2011. Benny had gotten into the frosting:

Little did I know that a friend had commissioned a drawing of our Benny and this incident! 

 It now hangs in my craft room.


Amy J said...

Wow, that's inspired.

TF said...

I love the cake photo so much! René is a great parent.

Eastside Cats said...

Terrific artwork, to immortalize the "Lamb Cat Disaster of 2011"!

Random Felines said...

aww - what a wonderful gift

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

How well we do remember the Lamb Cake Disaster of 2011! Can't think of a more treasured gift than this beautiful artwork!

Catscue Catmom said...

What a darling memorial to a really funny story!

World of Animals, Inc said...

This is just so wonderful. They did such an awesome job with everything. Very artistic. Thanks for sharing. It looks lovely in the craft room. Have a wonderful day.
World of Animals

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

that is precious! I am sorry I didn't know about Benny being ill (glad he is doing better!) Your blog and many others stopped coming via email, so I didn't know.

Summer said...

OMC, what a special and utterly charming gift! That is beyond awesome.

The Florida Furkids said...

What a super nice gift!!
The Florida Furkids

pilch92 said...

That is too cute :)

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Oh my goodness, what a thoughtful gift! You will cherish that forever.

The Island Cats said...

What a special gift!

Roberta said...

That is so pawsome and such a special, special gift.

Fr. Tom Fish said...

So very thoughtful. Enjoy! - Tom x

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

Okay, that is an absolute riot! what a great gift

Spike William and Angels China Cat and Willow said...

Wow, such a special gift!

Purrrrrrrrrrrrrs, Spike William

M Dawson said...

What a wonderful picture and it made me smile (in site of the 'disaster'!)

Lucy and some friends