Friday, December 13, 2019

Scrapnipping toys

Our friend Connie is selling catnip toys she calls "Scrapnipping" toys for kitties. They come in a wide variety of fabric choices.

Lucy is here to say that she loves them. 

Put them in a laundry basket for more fun!

She also sells handmade beds and kicker toys. You can also donate a bunch of her toys to your favorite shelter/rescue and she'll ship them there for you (isn't that cool?).

Check out her Facebook page at:


Eastside Cats said...

Oh boy, catnip toys!

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

oooo nip toys! We have a couple nip heads here that would love those!

Summer said...

Those toys look cool!

Greg_1948 in_WA said...

Can't beat a catnip toy no matter what colour it is!!!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Lucy is definitely a fan!

pilch92 said...

Lucy is a great tester :)

Smudge said...

Those sure look like fun. My 'nip pretzel is about as worn and torn as a toy could be. I overheard mom and dad talking the other day about getting me something new. I can't wait for Christmas!

Olka said...

Catnip toys! Omg, my cats love them too. They got some handmade catnip toys from Santa :D I've ordered them from small Polish manufactures :D Handmade is better!

Lucy and some friends