Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Vet visits for three of the cats

On Friday I took three of the cats to the vet for check ups (Sadie, Ringo, and Benny).

The Cat Cart 2.0 rolled them into the office.

Sadie, unfortunately, has cracked off part of her canine tooth (and she had a dental back in May, so this is new). The vet did some tests with dental tools to check sensitivity, and thinks she is ok for now. We'll monitor her and if she shows any signs of mouth pain she'll get back in ASAP.
Ringo had his anal glands expressed. This visit was a test in how a supplement we've been using worked. We've given him a daily dose of something called Glandex since his last appointment. I'm happy to say that we can start stretching out his appointments because it is helping! We're going to try waiting six months instead of his usual four.

Benny got a full blood work up. We have to sedate him before each appointment now because he gets very stressed and given that he has a heart condition, stress is bad for an old cat's heart.

Benny after bloodwork (mom, this is embarrassing!)

Benny had mostly good news. His weight is up 3/4 of a pound (hooray!), his bloodwork remains stable (nearly the same as it was one year ago), and nothing else physically is awry.

However, the vet noted that his heart murmur has worsened slightly, and asked me to start logging his sleeping heart rate. We also talked about signs of heart distress and what might be an emergency. 

I'm a bit saddened about this, but we also know how old he is. We'll keep him happy and comfortable for a long as possible.

Despite this, the vet was quite pleased about his overall physical condition and gave us a thumbs up for all the care we've given him. 


Amy J said...


That’s a most impressive cat cart.

Eastside Cats said...

Benny, dude, there is nothing to be embarrassed about...getting the thumbs up from the vet is a really good thing!
I've learned that cat teeth are rather brittle; they fracture easily. When Sweetie had her dental years ago, she was missing 19 teeth!
Ringo, we won't tell anyone about what happened to you...

Greg_1948 in_WA said...

What a bummer for them just before Christmas, but it is over with and nothing much new, so that is good!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Sounds like mostly good news for everyone. Purrs for precious Benny.

pilch92 said...

Does the vet have you give Benny baby aspirin. My vet has me give all my cats with murmurs 1/2 baby aspirin twice a week to prevent clotting. I highly recommend looking into it. I am glad his blood work was stable. XO

Summer said...

It's a lot of work caring for the seniors like Benny! I know you will do everything you can to monitor his heart - I'm glad everything else is looking okay.

Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat (Katherine Kern) said...

Wow. I thought I was going crazy taking my two in at the same time. And together, they weigh 30 lbs! We're glad the news was mostly good!

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

I used to use a cart when I took all eight in.. well if the hubby wasn't around to help.. :D

Glad the supplement is working for you.

Look at this cute face

 Jules is doing well. He loves playing, his brother Ringo, and is curious about Lucy but she keeps him at arm's length for now.