Our local grocery store was clearancing out some wine, so I bought several bottles. I took a photo a show a friend of mine. Soon, Sadie thought it was very interesting.
A short while later, Ringo did the same thing. It made me smile.
Please enjoy this video of our two boys playing by a door. So cute!
What great wine guards you have!
"Anything you can do, I can do better!"
Nice "still life" picture! ❤️️
They do make great guards. Have a super day.
We think they’re disappointed there was no nip wine for them.
Precious little models!
You are a great model.
None of those look like catnip wine to me!
I love how cats are always curious about everything I bring home.
They need to check out EVERY single item. They're sniffing and touching everything with their cheeks <3
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