Thursday, April 30, 2020

Employees of the week

Not long ago, I posted that Lucy shared a mouse with me during a virtual meeting.

Ringo has made an appearance during several meetings and online phone calls. Last week he appeared in two virtual meetings, and ended up sitting quietly on my lap.

He wins the Employee of the Week award.

However, we give an honorable mention to Lucy, who has spent time in my lap too. She purrs most of the time.


Eastside Cats said...

Are bonuses paid in tuna?

Lola The Rescued Cat said...

I've made a lot of appearances in meetings this week! It's so much fun!

Amy J said...


If my boss calls me around 4:00, she now fully expects to hear Cassie chirping her almost-dinner-time reminders on speaker phone.

Summer said...

You have good helpers!

The Island Cats said...

You have some great co-workers. :)

pilch92 said...

Such great co-workers :)

Lucy and some friends