Tuesday, June 16, 2020

A health update on Benny

Benny and Ringo had checkups at the vet last Friday. I was disappointed that I could not go inside, but I also respect the clinic's decision to still offer "curbside" service given COVID-19.

Ringo is just fine--he just needed his anal glands expressed (an ongoing issue with him).

Benny needed blood work and an overall checkup. The good news is that his weight remained the same and overall his blood numbers were decent (except for slightly elevated BUN and creatinine).

The disappointing news is that his SDMA level rose from 19 (maybe 18 months ago) to 35 (high end of normal is 14). These levels measure his overall kidney function.

 The vet said she's happy with his results overall. The only change is a tweak to his gabapentin dosage (for pain/joint stiffness).

Benny will be 20 in August. We're both watching him carefully, and are grateful for this time of working at home right now. He is loved and spoiled in many ways.

We are treasuring this time with our old man.

More pets, please!


Eastside Cats said...

Ringo...the whole world knows now...poor kitty; how embarrassing!
Benny Dude; keep up the good work, and drink lots of water.

Amy J said...

Extra long distance snuggles!

pilch92 said...

I am glad Benny is doing so well for his age. It is nice you get to be with him more right now. Vets that are not letting pet parents in really irk me. Would a parent be expected to let someone come out to the car for their toddler? I am thankful that my vet is a rule breaker and still lets us in. XO

Summer said...

It's hard keeping numbers controlled on these senior kitties. Boodie turned 19 last month, so we know.

catladymac said...

Special purrayers to Benny - and purrayers and POTP to all your cloGlad the news was generally good.

Lola The Rescued Cat said...

We are sending Benny lots of love and purrs.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

He's such a special little guy.

The Island Cats said...

We’re glad both Ringo and Benny got a good report. I wouldn’t put a lot of weight on the SDMA number...so many things can affect that result.

Lucy and some friends