Thursday, June 11, 2020

Thrift Thursday: Vintage playing cards

It's been a long time since I've had a Thrifty Thursday because at first, the stores were closed due to the coronavirus. I've ventured there a couple of times (always with a mask) since they've opened, but never stay very long.

Last weekend, we walked around our downtown. There's a resale shop there and we wandered inside. To my delight I spotted a set of playing cards (actually, there are two sets of cards in the box, likely from the 1950s).

For decades, the Chesapeake & Ohio railroad used a tabby cat as part of their advertising ("sleep like a kitten" in their sleeper cars). She was named Chessie. Later she got an "old man" named Peake, and eventually they had two kittens (Nip and Tuck).

These cards are just darling. Check out the ace of hearts card! And best of all, they cost just $10.


Catscue said...

Wow! Those are just precious - good find! I never find things like that when I go thrifting.

Lola The Rescued Cat said...

Those are just adorable.

Eastside Cats said...

What a terrific find!
I've been mulling over a 'Chessie' fleece shirt for a little while.
BTW, my grandfather worked for Pullman coaches; just another link to the railroads.

Amy J said...


Though I did not know she had a family. :-)

pilch92 said...

That was a great find.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

OMC I think this is my favorite thrifty find you've ever featured! I had no ad about the Chesapeake & Ohio railroad kitties!

catladymac said...

What a find ! These are wonderful ! I have a magazine ad that shows "Peake" serving in WWII while Chessy sleeps safely at home !

The Island Cats said...

What cute cards! The mom has what she thinks is a hanky with Chessie on it that she intends to have framed someday so she can hang it on the wall.

Summer said...

Wow, what an awesome find!

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