Tuesday, July 21, 2020

I've lost my blogging mojo

We've been blogging almost 12 years. I've often joked to Jim that, with four cats, I may never run out of material!

However, since February I've started to lose my mojo. In February and July, my employer has done significant layoffs and closures. While I'm fortunate to still have a job, a magazine that I've worked for for 22 years has now published its final issue. It makes me sad. I'll miss working with some great contributors. 

For the past two years there have been many layoffs and changes. Each time I pick myself up and soldier on, but just when I feel like I'm back on track, the rug is once again pulled out from under me.

The COVID pandemic has been challenging too. I've adjusted (mostly) to working from home. I've adjusted to being at home as much as possible. I'm trying to keep busy around the house and tackle oddball projects, do hobbies, sit outside, whatever it takes to keep a sense of purpose. My daily bike rides and the cats are keeping me sane.

I have a lot to be grateful for--my health, Jim, the cats, family and friends. We are both still employed (though Jim has lost a second part time job). I'm not complaining because there are many good things. But at times it's tough and it makes me sad.
I suppose, in time, the cats will do something cute and I'll start blogging again. How are all of you handling this?


Lola The Rescued Cat said...

We've lost our mojo, too. It's been hard for our mom to focus and actually get posts written. We had to change our ideas for our blog for the entire year, and we're having trouble finding our new sea legs. We love reading your updates. (We had no idea you've been blogging for so long because we're new friends.)

Random Felines said...

It is hard. Even though we have kitten shenanigans, it has been a tough summer.

Greg_1948 in_WA said...

With all the horrible things going on, I admit it is very difficult to ignore everything and post only cute cat photos. We are suffering no hardships, But I have been thinking of pulling the plug at the end of December. I have enough "calendar" posts to carry me through. Under no pressure and not decided definitely. I have also noticed a lot of cats I follow traveling over the Rainbow Bridge, and I think maybe I should quit while I am ahead. I am sure after twelve years many blogs you followed have vanished by the wayside. Maybe just a break is in order for us all? The blog does take my mind off things when I am working on it, I must admit.

Summer said...

My human and I would up taking up movie making during the pandemic! Well, she returned to it, but it's relatively new to me, other than the random videos I did before. But yeah, it's tough right now in a lot of ways.

catladymac said...

We understand. We really enjoy reading about you and the cats,,so we hope you will still post once in awhile, but - things are strange and wearing in sometimes subtle, low-key ways you don't realize are bothering you. Purrs/

pilch92 said...

I am sorry about the job loss. I lose my mojo when I have a loss, but I try to keep going because I love the connection to other blogger. XO

Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat (Katherine Kern) said...

You aren't alone. Sometimes, when I seriously consider quitting, I'm reminded of the amazing friends I've met by blogging - and I'm not ready to give them up!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Leaving a comment on FB for you right now, but I think this is something we all struggle with eventually. Hang in there!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

I'm in the same boat. Just don't have the photo ops anymore when crazy Minchie was around. After 13 years of blogging you do get burned out.

Eastside Cats said...

Last night, I hit the wall too.
Although I am still employed, working from home is so isolating from my work teams and supervisors.
The news is terrifying, the weather hot and sticky, and I feel I'm at loose ends, paddling in a circle with no compass to aim me towards a goal.
I've been gardening, reading, walking twice a day, but the funk has hit.
We'll get out of it soon, I'm sure.

Amy J said...

You're reminding me I need to get back into a walking habit on these days when it's not 85+. Otherwise, I find myself spending too much time inside and getting cranky at emails. Hang in there. Walks in the garden and snapping photos of the cats being cute do help me some.

Chuck Huss said...

There's no rule that you have to post on a regular schedule. I wouldn't give up but I would continue to post when inspiration strikes.

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

*points to my pathetic blog* yeah, not so well. I haven't logged into my feedly for way too long and I was surprised how many others aren't blogging during this pandemic either. It is just so hard to feel normal

Lucy and some friends