Tuesday, September 22, 2020

We like the cooler weather

Ringo and Lucy like to cuddle up with me when I'm reading a book. It's so wonderful.

Lucy is resting on my leg/hip, and Ringo is curled by my stomach.


Eastside Cats said...

Any time I have a cat resting upon my body, it's a slice of heaven!

pilch92 said...

They are such sweeties.

Lola The Rescued Cat said...

So sweet! I'm the only cuddler here.

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Cuddle season is the best!!!

Summer said...

Aww, that is so sweet!

Greg_1948 in_WA said...

Maybe they both like to hear stories. . . .

Lucy and some friends