Monday, October 12, 2020

We had a scare with Ringo

 On Friday night, Ringo did not come out for dinner. He didn't come out for nightly treats. After midnight, Jim started searching around the house with a flashlight for him. He found him under the bed. I tried to coax him out with treats and baby food, without luck.

By morning, he had wedged himself behind Jim's nightstand and was still not eating. He was lethargic and didn't meow, purr, or do much other than sleep. I started to worry. I called the vet and brought him in right away.

The good news is that blood work and a physical exam were both normal. I asked them to check his anal glands (an ongoing issue with him), and they were full, so they took care of that. Given that Ringo is already a thin kitty, I asked the vet for a small supply of an appetite stimulant, which he gave me.

I've heard when some cats get sick and go off their food, they "forget" how to start eating again. I experienced this with Ringo. I had to force feed him some wet food and some baby food. He didn't fight me, but he also didn't eat anything beyond that.

By Saturday evening, he was eating dry food. Not ideal, but better than nothing. On Sunday morning he seemed backed to normal and was eating wet food again.

We have no idea what happened, but we hope it doesn't happen again. He really scared us for a while!


Eastside Cats said...

Glad Ringo seems to have rebounded!
Amazing that cats can forget to eat; non-cat lovers just don't understand this!

Amy J said...

Ringo, don't scare your humans like that! and start appreciating all the food choices soon! Hugs.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Dang, we sure hope Ringo is okay, that is really scary.

Kea said...

Yikes! Purrs that Ringo keeps eating and is his normal self again.

Catscue said...

That must have been scary! I'm so glad he is getting back to normal and is eating again. Sending purrs and pawsitives Ringo's way for a healthy future.

pilch92 said...

That is very scary. I will add Ringo to my prayer list. XO

catladymac said...

Sending purrayers and Power of the Paw to Ringo and all his caretakers !

Summer said...

I'm sending purrs to Ringo, but I do hope he is already better!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Poor baby! That must've been so scary. Purrs it was a one time thing and doesn't happen again.

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

That is very scary! So glad he is back to eating once again!

The Island Cats said...

We’re glad Ringo seems to be back to normal. Maybe he had an upset stomach or something??

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