Friday, December 25, 2020

Merry Christmas to all


Merry Christmas and much love to all of you. I'm sharing my collection of vintage cat postcards. A friend of mine gives me one every year (instead of a new card) and I just love them. Most of them date from 1914 to 1920.


Eastside Cats said...

What a delightful collection; what a good friend.
Merry Christmas!

Just Ducky said...

Merry Christmouse to you all.

The Island Cats said...

Love those vintage cards! Merry Christmas!

pilch92 said...

Beautiful card. Merry Christmas! XO

Summer said...

Wow, those are lovely! I'm surprised my human doesn't collect them. That seems like something she would enjoy.

Zoolatry said...

The art of the older cards is so lovely to see, thanks for showing them! Merry Christmas to you and yours.

Timmy Tomcat said...

We love all the old cat cards. Merry Christmas and thanks for sharing your gift with us all

Greg_1948 in_WA said...

Love vintage postcards. I have a few cat ones--mostly the "squeaky" kind.

Lucy and some friends