Ringo: Mom, your Microsoft Teams meeting is boring.
But don't worry! I brought you a mouse toy. That should help liven things up.
You're welcome.
I'm happy to report that Jules has been doing better since our vet visit. He's eating again without vomiting and overall seems perk...
Pets always make Teams meetings better!
HA, Mum says all meetings are boring.
Was there other cats at the meeting? We used to love to go to Mom's zoom meetings and see all the other cats! One meeting there were 5 people 4 cats and a dog. Have a marvellously Happy Day!
Good job Ringo!
You're so resourceful, Ringo!
All meetings are boring! I don't know why humans pretend they're in a meeting as a cover for sleeping! At least us cats are honest about our laziness! ~Bear Cat
Ringo that mouse really was what the meeting needed
Ringo, forget about the mouse...YOU need to attend the meeting!
Would make the world of difference for the other attendees.
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