Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Ringo and the pair of socks

 Ringo: A pair of socks makes a nice pillow, don't you think? And even better since it's in a sunbeam!


Brian's Home Blog said...

You're totally right, good pillow and good sun, hooray!

Greg_1948 in_WA said...

Those socks are handy!

pilch92 said...

Ringo is such a cutie.

World of Animals, Inc said...

Ringo, we love seeing you all comfy there enjoying a beautiful sunbeam and an excellent pillow. The last photo is the best. Thanks for the wonderful share. Have a great rest of your day.
World of Animals Bensalem

Karen C. said...

You're right - a most excellent pillow! Maybe not the socks that were already worn though. For Midnight (our blind senior cat), any shirt or jacket the people have just worn makes the perfect blanket to lay on. Sometimes she won't go to sleep till she gets a shirt.
Midnight & Cocoa
Mini & Fluff
Tyler & Marty
Beeb, Bella & Beanie

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Looks pretty comfy to me!

Marvelous Marv said...

Purrfect! Just like YOU!

Summer said...

I've never done the sock pillow thing. I bet it is nice!

Timmy Tomcat said...

Ringo that looks like a wonderful pillow

Lucy and some friends