Life with Jim, Rene, and three cats (Ringo, Lucy, and Jules)
Ringo: Hm, what interesting things might be in this waste can?*
Sheesh, I can't do anything fun since the people started working from home.
I need your waste can! My bathroom is done in that pattern!! 🐱🐱🐱
I like that trash can . Too bad thereis no Mejer near me.
My human says she can't have open trash cans around here at all. I have no idea why... seriously NO idea!
That's adorable! But yeah - that trash can would need a lid on it if we had one here.Midnight & CocoaMini & FluffTyler & MartyBeeb, Beanie & Bella
Ringo, we know that cats are curious!
Humans are always watching now! Super cute can.
They’re watching your every move, Ringo.
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I need your waste can! My bathroom is done in that pattern!! 🐱🐱🐱
I like that trash can . Too bad thereis no Mejer near me.
My human says she can't have open trash cans around here at all. I have no idea why... seriously NO idea!
That's adorable! But yeah - that trash can would need a lid on it if we had one here.
Midnight & Cocoa
Mini & Fluff
Tyler & Marty
Beeb, Beanie & Bella
Ringo, we know that cats are curious!
Humans are always watching now! Super cute can.
They’re watching your every move, Ringo.
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