Thursday, April 22, 2021

Thrifty Thursday: Cat puzzle


Since I've started working remotely, I like to have a puzzle going near where I work. It's nice to stand up and take a little break.

I recently found this cute puzzle that has cats in it, all for $1.20.*

Bonus, after I've completed it, our library has a free puzzle exchange. Just bring in a puzzle and swap it for another puzzle from their donations!


Amy J said...


Eastside Cats said...

Da Boyz are too interested in jigsaw puzzle pieces around here, so I simply play online jigsaws, but when I could get to the library, I enjoyed working the current puzzle.

Karen C. said...

What a great idea! We wonder if our libraries have puzzle donations and exchanges. We have lots of perfectly good puzzles that could be enjoyed by others, and none of them have been chomped on at all! (the people won't let us - bummer)
Midnight & Cocoa
Mini & Fluff
Tyler & Marty
Beeb, Beanie & Bella

World of Animals, Inc said...

Such a great looking puzzle. We have some puzzles at home to do on the weekends when we are not busy. Thanks for sharing. Have a great time putting this one together.
World of Animals Rittenhouse

pilch92 said...

That is cute. You could seal it and keep it for art. XO

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

That puzzle is absolutely adorable!!!

Summer said...

What a cute puzzle!

Lucy and some friends