Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Our mom is lame

 Ringo: Our mom hasn't been taking a lot of photos for us. Plus, she worked away from home for two whole days so far this week! No fair! I had to play with this laundry basket that had toys in it instead.


Greg_1948 in_WA said...

Better get used to it Ringo. toys are good. laundry baskets are good too.

Amy J said...

Poor Ringo, two days without your human!!!

Catscue said...

Poor Ringo! I'm dreading next week when I have to go back in to the office 2 days a week and leave my kitties at home.

pilch92 said...

Sorry your mom had to leave the house to go to work. XO

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

You're so neglected!

The Island Cats said...

Life is gonna change for you, Ringo!

Eastside Cats said...

Yes, it's no fun for your Mom to be away from you too!

Summer said...

Ringo, sadly I think things are getting "back to normal" at your house, meaning pre-pandemic when we kitties got a lot less attention!

ZOOLATRY said...

Self entertainment is nowhere near the fun that having it provided for you is ...

Lucy and some friends