Monday, September 27, 2021

Ringo and the mice

 Sorry we haven't posted in a while. Google decided to lock us out of our account when we wanted to change our password!

Ringo has been a busy kitty the past few days. He has surprised us by catching three mice in the house (likely the basement). Two of the mice, sadly, were already dead but the third one was still alive so Jim took it outside for release.

Oddly, Ringo had no interest in eating his catch, only to play with them. In fact, one of the dead mice was very wet from his licking it.

We debated showing you a photo with one of the mice. . .and ultimately, we won't share a photo. We know it might upset some people. While I'm not crazy about the dead mice, I also know a) they are carnivores and b) it's instinct to hunt. 

I've lived here 19 years and in that time, no cat has ever caught a mouse.  Ringo is on the hunt now and I'm sure he won't stop until the house is free from critters!


pilch92 said...

Good work Ringo. They must have found some way to get inside, you need to go all around the house to find it. XO

Catscue said...

What a star you are Ringo!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

We've had mouse visitors in our basement the past couple weeks too, and the Havahart traps have been busy! So far Mudpie hasn't caught anything...gulp...

The Island Cats said...

You are quite the hunter, Ringo!

Summer said...

Ringo is doing a much better job than I did when we had rats here! I found them and then waited for my human to catch them for me! Because isn't that what humans are supposed to do?

Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat said...

Kitty ignored mice until she was 11. All of a sudden, she started bagging them left and right! I was terrified of them at the time so I wasn't amused that she brought them to my bedroom. Sounds like Ringo is a class A mouser!

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