Monday, November 22, 2021

Lucy makes me laugh

 Lucy: Nothing will stop me from cuddling in with the laundry, not even a gallon jug of water!

cat sleeping in laundry basket

cat sleeping in laundry basket


Amy J said...

Poor Lucy, that's really rude of your humans to limit your laundry space. Hugs.

Summer said...

Like a jug of water is going to stop you! MOL

The Island Cats said...

Hey…you know the saying…any port in a storm!

pilch92 said...

Why is the water in the laundry?

Eastside Cats said...

Celestial Angel was the quintessential laundry snuggler; dirty or clean, she was in the basket!

Please welcome Jules

After the holidays, Jim and I decided we were ready to adopt a new youngster into our household. We went to the shelter where we adopted Rin...