Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Thanksgiving is almost here

 Lucy: Mom is going to make another turkey for Thanksgiving. I like sitting in the roasting pan she uses. I'm sitting on top of the roasting bag so she can't use the pan, ha ha!

cat sitting in roasting pan

I hope she gives us a few bits of turkey after it's cooked. . .

cat sitting in roasting pan

Ringo: Hey, sitting in this pan is so much fun! 

cat sitting in roasting pan

What do you mean you need to use this pan?

cat sitting in roasting pan


Eastside Cats said...

Hahaha! You two are hilarious!

Marvelous Marv said...

If it fits, we sits!

pilch92 said...

Silly kitties. I hope you get some turkey. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Wrong pan, Kitties, wrong pan, lol! Have a great Thanksgiving and I hope you get some turkey!

catladymac said...

KITTIES ! If you don't let Mom use the pan she can't roast the turkey and can't give you any of it ! You need to give her access tothe resources !!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Too cute!!!

Summer said...

My human and her boyfriend are having Thanksgiving at a friend's, so she is only making stuffing. But with any luck, she will be bringing back some turkey for me!

Smudge said...

Well we sure hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving, and got to taste at least some of it. It's a good thing none of y'all used that pan as your, umm, facilities!

Please welcome Jules

After the holidays, Jim and I decided we were ready to adopt a new youngster into our household. We went to the shelter where we adopted Rin...