Friday, May 13, 2022

Sadie and her "twist-tie tail"

Sadie has a history of overgrooming her fur. (We've been to the vet several times for this, and she was once on medication, but she lost a lot of weight from it, so we've discontinued the medication.)

She recently groomed around the base of her tail. Jim said it looks like a twist tie. LOL

I could only get one photo of it. She wasn't thrilled with my attempts to photograph her tail.

Sitting calico cat with fur missing near base of tail



Eastside Cats said...

Aww, Sadie!

pilch92 said...

Aww...poor Sadie. XO

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

It does look like that! Too cute.

Adorapurr said...

Dear Sadie, please don't let hoomons tail-shame yoo. Momma told me the vet said that ChauncieMarie's tail was very short for a cat. Momma said she never noticed until the vet said something. And Opie has a short tail too. This is tail shaming and it's got to stop. Hoomons are just jealous. They don't have tails... I think. Have a Wonderpurr weekend. Love, Dori

Summer said...

Sadie probably just gets stressed easily. Some cats are like that. As long as she's not truly harming herself, the twist tie look is okay.

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