Thursday, July 14, 2022

Thrifty Thursday: Cat pin and t-shirt


thrifty thursday logo

I've found yet another cat pin! This one is pretty adorable and has nice detail.

gold cats in basket brooch

gold cats in basket brooch next to a puzzle piece

I also found Jim a new White Castle t-shirt. It's an interesting find, given that there is just one restaurant in the entire state.

dark gray White Castle t-shirt

MOM, I'm more interesting thatn this dumb t-shirt!

black and white cat meowing at camera


Eastside Cats said...

Cute pin, and yes, are more impawtant!

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

Adorable pin and kitties are always the most important!

pilch92 said...

Great finds. Ringo, tell your mom she could make you a kitty tent with the shirt. :) XO

The Island Cats said...

You sure are more interesting than than ol’ t-shirt, Ringo! The mom has a pin similar to that one except it is gold tone. ~Ernie

Lucy and some friends