Thursday, May 18, 2023

Thrifty Thursday: Citywide rummage sales!


thrifty Thursday logo

Every year, I visit my hometown for their annual Citywide Rummage Sale event. My sister Jill and I have gone for 19 years now. At this point, we don't really care if we find a thing. It's fun to poke around, see what people are selling, and sometimes see an old friend.

This year we had lunch at the A&W to celebrate my birthday (a few days before).

two women holding A&W root beer mugs

I found these neat cookbooks from the 1940s and 50s, all three for $1. I plan to try some of the recipes. An interesting note it that the word syrup used to be spelled with an i instead of the y (sirup).

three vintage cookbooks

I found a large box full of craft items for $10. There are so many things in the box it's ridiculous. I gave some of the kiddie items to my brother-in-law, who teaches kindergarten.

A recent gift from our friend Amy made us laugh, this Christmas rubber stamp. It will certainly be used!

rubber stamp with three cats and the saying Come let us ignore him


Eastside Cats said...

That stamp is priceless!

Amy J said...

OOOh, I made the photo list! :-)

And that cooky book looks oddly familiar to me. Not sure if it's my imagination or if I may have similar in the archives here.

pilch92 said...

Those are all great finds. XO

Melissa, Mudpie and Angel Truffles (Mochas, Mysteries and Meows) said...

How fun! I love A&W. And that stamp is adorable!

Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat (Katherine Kern) said...

I bet the items you make out of those cookbooks will be top notch!

Lucy and some friends