Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Morning glory

I love morning glories, and am sad that I recently had to cut back one dying plant. Here is one of the flowers (I had three varieties this year), Star of Yalta.


Kea said...

I have stray morning glories blooming in my garden, from the neighbour's back space. I love them, too, hope I have more next year.

Anonymous said...

How pretty! We miss morning glories--our great grandma always had them in her yard.

Old Kitty said...

Oh wow! That is one amazing bloom!! What a star!!! It's beautiful!! Wow!!! Me and Charlie are dazzled by it's beauty!

Take care

Cat said...

So beautiful...such a vibrant colour!!!

I had morning glories last year and I was hoping that they might have seeded themselves for this year but unfortunately no.

Katnip Lounge said...

Gorgeous! We can't grow them here in the desert...boo hoo!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Those are beautiful. I would love to have some in my yard!

A few Good Cats said...

That deep purple is very pretty. At our house we have several volunteer morning glories that are all a bright sky blue.

Anonymous said...

Think that's still my favorite variety of morning glory.

Lucy and some friends