Thursday, August 12, 2010

This "crafting" stuff is hard work

My people are on vacation this week, and my person Rene is working on projects in her craft room. It's hard work supervising everything, so I took a nap.


Anonymous said...

We know how you feel, Tucker! There's two of us and we get tired supervising mama. By the way, she biggified your picture just to blow a kiss on your little nose!

Amy & the house of cats said...

Tucker we hear you - our mom is the same way with her craft stuff. It is a lot of work for us, so if you are the only one their snoopervising, well, you must just be totally exhausted!

Cat said...

It's important to stay well rested Tucker...carry on!

Old Kitty said...

Awww sweet Tucker!! Naps for kitties are very important especially when you are supervising everything! Me and Charlie hope you get extra treats for all your good and hard work!

Take care

Anonymous said...

Poor Tucker, you look just exhausted. But looks like you managed to find a comfy resting spot.

Lucy and some friends