Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The top of Sadie's scratcher gets re-covered

You may remember that Sadie's favorite scratcher is the Ultimate Cat Scratcher. I had covered the top with fleece and padding, but it was getting worn and had a hole in it.

Here it is, all bare and naked.

To re-cover it, I cut a square of fleece (add about three inches to each side to have enough to cover everything). I added a bit of cotton batting over the scratcher's top, then covered with the fleece. Cut tiny  holes for the screws, then screw the top back on. Done!
A couple of notes: You'll need a 3mm Allen wrench to remove the screws. I borrowed one from a set Jim had to repair his bicycle. Also, this fleece is called Cupcake Toss and was purchased from Joann Fabrics.


Cat said...

It looks new again, Sadie will love it!!!

Kea said...

It looks great! Why can't our mom be motivated to do simple stuff like this?

Cat Street Boyz said...

That is so neat that the top can be covered instead of buying the expensive one. Great idea....we'll show MOM=^Y^=

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Sadie, what a wonderful and talented mom you have to do that for you. YAY, mom...and YAY, Sadie!!!!!!!!

Love to all of you.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Very nice repair job. WE know Sadie will love it!

Anonymous said...

Cute! and I'm sure greatly appreciated by Miss Sadie.

Katnip Lounge said...

You have a ROCKIN' Mom, Sadie! Just look at that wonderful new padded fleece top. We bet you never get off of it!

Old Kitty said...

Awwwww how lovely for gorgeous Sadie!! This is a great and cheerful and fun top for her scratcher!!! Yay!!!! Well done mum!!

Hello there sweet Benny and Tucker! Take care

The Daily Pip said...

Wow, that's a great idea! The fleece looks great and I bet the kitties will love it.

Your pal, Pip

The Adventures of Scarlett and Melly said...

It looks great! I love the cupcake fleece.

Anonymous said...

That is such a cute pattern--Sadie will love it!

Lucy and some friends