Thursday, August 4, 2011

Craft room makeover

We have a spare bedroom that I use as my craft room. The walls were a spring green, and I didn't care much for the color. So thanks to some inspiration from my friend Amy, I chose the color "Butter up" and painted the walls. Here is one wall before painting.

And after. I scored the curtains at a St. Vincent dePaul for $3.99!

Closeup of the curtains and wall.

I replaced a few things on the walls. I'd had this garden-y picture that would no longer match. Before:

A happy accident: these pictures were made for me by my late Grandma,
and my late Grandpa made the frames. The frame on the left says "Life is fragile. Handle with prayer."

When I was about 12, Grandma made me this Garfield picture. 
I'm pretty sure she drew and stitched the image freehand. It matches the room perfectly too.


Anonymous said...

Oops, you're reminding me that I took pictures of the living room and front hallway in their new colors...but don't think I took any pictures of my room done in "butter up." :-) Also, I think I still have that same garden print - filling a wall in the spare bedroom (or what Aerin likes to think of as her room).

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

That is pretty. A redo on a room always brightens things up!

Fuzzy Tales said...

Renos, even simply paint, can make the world of difference.

Of course, we boys think no room is complete without a multitude of cat condos, tunnels, toys, etc. :-P

Old Kitty said...

Awwww the Garfield is lovely!! Awww what a great gift from your grandma and yay for grandad too with the frames!

I think your curtains are lovely and the new pain is cheerier!! Yay! take care

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

What wonderful things you have from your grandma and grandpa!!!!!!!! You room makeover is looking grand!!!!!!!

Love to all of you.

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

Things from Grandmas are the best. The room looks lovely.

Roberta said...

What a lovely room to craft in. It definitely is a special room and you have wonderful reminders of Grandpa and Grandma. Loved the kitty toys, too. Grandma was so talented.

Lucy and some friends