Wednesday, August 3, 2011

We gots a blog makeover!

How do you like our new look? Judi over at SAS (Sammy, Andy, and Shelly) did this for us! We love the colors and new header. If you haven't been over to SAS, check it out. 
If you have a blog and would like a makeover, send them an email and they'll get in touch with you!

We thank you SAS! You guys are great!!


Fuzzy Tales said...

It looks fantastic! Well done to Mom Judi! Both she and Ann (Zoolatry) are terrific and oh-so talented! :-)

A few Good Cats said...

Some people really have a knack for design and color. It was really nice of SAS to do that for you.

Old Kitty said...

Your new look blog is so pretty!! Me and Charlie love it!!

Yay for SAS's mum!!! She's so creative!!!

Take care

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We like it. They did our header. too!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Lovin' the new look!

The Daily Pip said...

Your blog looks AMAZING!!!! SAS and Miss Judi are so talented. I especially love your new beautiful header!

Your pal, Pip

The Adventures of Scarlett and Melly said...

The new look is lovely!

Roberta said...

I love the new look and the closeups of Tucker, Benny and Sadie. They are just too adorable for words. You work that sunbeam, Tucker.

Lucy and some friends