Thursday, January 26, 2012

A package, and some updates

Sorry for the late post today. I've been feeling unwell since Tuesday, and stayed home from work today. Tucker (as always) and Sadie slept close by as I rested.

Mom update: She saw the surgeon today and will have surgery #3 on the 31st. I had initially planned to visit this weekend, but am not going. She doesn't need exposure to any more germs, and I'm not up to it anyway.

Tucker update: He is doing well overall. Soon, I will schedule his follow up x-rays for early March. 

Our kind friend Roberta sent us a package that arrived today. She sent a cat stamp set (that we don't have, oh joy), some litter box bags (we can always use those), and an adorable cat embroidery piece.

She also makes us a mini calendar each year. I love receiving these and use them at work. This year's includes photos of three special kitties. Thank you, Roberta. We all appreciate it.


Fuzzy Tales said...

That was a lovely package and well-timed to cheer you up (we hope it brought a bit of cheer).

We're sorry you've been sick and send purrs for a speedy recovery.

Continued purrs to your mom and of course, always to Tucker too.

The Island Cats said...

What nice gifts! We sure hope you are feeling better soon.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Great package! Hope your MOm does well in her surgery! Get to feeling better, soon!

Quinn and Angel brandi said...

A lovely package that came just in time to make you feel better!
Sending healing thoughts for mom and mom's mom.
Mama Carol

Old Kitty said...

Awwww what a lovely package - such an adorable calendar too!

We continue to send your mum healing hugs and Tucker lots of purrs and Rene - please get better too! Rest and recuperate!

Big hello to lovely Sadie and Benny! Take care

Amy J said...

Cute care package! Sorry to hear you're feeling poorly.

The Adventures of Scarlett and Melly said...

Sorry to hear that you're not feeling well! We send virtual hugs and purrs.

Becky said...

Hope you feel better soon.I love the sweet little gifts that came for you.The calender is to cute!

Have a nice weekend,blessings!

Stampindamour said...

Rene - What a thoughtful surprise! xo

-pamela :)

Lucy and some friends